Often times people want to know when is the right time to call about home health care for themselves or a loved one. If you are reading this, that may be a good indicator that a caregiver, nurse or aide is needed.
First, look at the person's ability to SAFELY shower, dress, and walk or transfer unassisted(ADL's). If there is dizziness, abnormal or wobbly gait/steps, a history of falls, a physical disability, weakness or dementia, then assistance is needed and should be already in the home. If the spouse is the main caregiver and not 100% steady on their feet, then they are at risk of falling or being pulled down while helping their husband or wife.
Second, assess the person's ability to shop for groceries, cook, do the laundry, manage their medications and get to appointments or leisure activities(IADL's). Shopping and cooking are crucial to nutrition and proper nutrition is a key to better health, both mental and physical. Imagine shopping, carrying the groceries into the home, standing and cooking while using a cane or walker. What mental picture comes to mind?
Planning and action to imporve the home safety of an elderly or unwell person is a paramount concern. Hiring a caregiver helps in all the above mentioned areas. Additionally, a home health aide provides companionship and respite time for the family caregiver, either spouse or adult children.
Assistance a few hours a day, a few times a week is a tremendous buffer against falls, malnutrition, and isolation/depression. If you, a parent or other loved family member seems to need help, if your gut feeling is that they are at risk of falling and hurting themselves or are too weak or unable to manage personal and/or household care safely, then they very likely need help. Please feel free to contact Harbor Health Home Care anytime at 810-765-7144 or toll free at 888-418-2273.
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