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Friday, November 25, 2011


If you've had diabetes for a year or more, you've probably already learned the skills you need to manage your condition, yet it's natural to feel overwhelmed at times. You can make your management plan easier to live with. Try these tips ot help keep yourself on the path to good health.

EVALUATE YOUR LIFESTYLE - Write down the things in your life that make it hard to stick with your routine. Then think of ways to improve the situation. Here are some suggestions:

  • Keep stress under control.

  • Get moving.

  • Eat well.

  • Stay up to date with recommended exams

  • Know what to do when you get sick.

ENCOURAGE SUPPORT - If family or friends seem to be undermining your efforts, sit down with them and talk seriously with them about how important their support is to you and your efforts. Let them know what you need to do to control your diabetes and how they can help.

PREPARE FOR SETBACKS - Everyone has setbacks. When you veer off course, try not to beat yourself up; that will only increase your risk for a relapse. Rather, ask yourself what made you start to slip:

  • Are your goals too high? Small, easy-to-attain goals are easier to stick with.

  • Are you having trouble sticking with your plan? Now may be the time to assess how well your management plan matches your lifestyle. Then talk with your doctor about making some changes.

REWARD YOURSELF - Make it part of your diabetes management plan to set reasonable goals, and then treat yourself when you reach one. Because you have diabetes, you have made many changes that we all should make for good health. Instead of focusing on what you've given up, try to remember what you have to gain from your healthy habits. A positive attitude can help you keep up with those habits for life.


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