People who suffer from arthritis are familiar with the pains, cracks and pops that define the condition. But small changes in your diet can yield big rewards in managing the disease. You may not be able to toss your Tylenol, but a diet rich in these foods can make you healthier and maybe lighter. After all, every pound you carry around your belly puts 10 pounds of pressure on your joints. Here are 7 arthritis foods to stock up on...
1. FATTY FISH (salmon, herring, sardines): or any food with omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, soy beans, flax seeds, canola oil and pumpkin seeds. Omega-3s decrease the production of chemicals that spread inflammation, plus they inhibit enzymes that trigger it.
2. EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL: Olive oil contains oleocanthal, which blocks enzymes involved in inflammation. Since olive oil is not calorie-free, don't douse your food with it. One tablespoon a day is a good amount for an optimal arthritis diet.
3. SWEET PEPPERS, CITRUS FRUIT AND OTHER VITAMIN C-RICH FOOD: Vitamin C protects collagen, a major component of cartilage. Inadequate amounts may increase your risk for some kinds of arthritis. Try for 200-500 milligrams a day.
4. BRAZIL NUTS: Brazil nuts contain huge amounts of selenium. The mineral helps antioxidants clear out cell-damaging free radicals, aids the regulation of the thyroid gland and may prevent cancer.
5. ONIONS AND LEEKS: Onions and leeks contain quercetin, an antioxidant that may inhibit inflammatory chemicals, much like aspirin and ibuprofen do. Worried about onion breath? Boost your intake of kale, cherry tomatoes or apples - all are high in quercetin.
6. TART CHERRIES: The magic ingredient is anthocyanins, the pigments that give cherries - and grapes, black raspberries and eggplant - their vibrancy. They are also powerful antioxidants that cut inflammation.
7. GREEN TEA: Studies show that certain antioxidant compounds in the brew lessen the incidence and severity of arthritis. Drink 3-4 cups a day. Skip the decaffeinated version, which robs the tea of some of the helpful nutrients.
1.SHELLFISH, RED MEAT(only if you have gout): Gout results from the build-up of uric acid in the blood, which forms crystals that painfully settle in the joints. Purine, a coupound that's abundant in shellfish, meats, high-fat dairy foods and beer, converts to uric acid. These foods are no-nos for people at risk for or suffering from gout.
2. SUNFLOWER, SAFFLOWER, CORN, and SOYBEAN OILS: They're high in omega-6 fatty acids, which increase inflammation. These oils are prevalent in U.S. made baked goods and snacks.
3. SUGAR: Some studies suggest that sugar may increase inflammation. Although it offers a quick energy boost, the high doesn't last, which can be a drag for arthritis sufferers who already suffer from fatigue. Sugar is also high in calories, which leads to weight gain and added pressure on your joints.
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