You have no problem telling your doctor about the pain in your right arm. But the pain down there? Forget it - it'll probably go away. Choosing not to tell your doctor the whole truth can hurt you. Find out the top 8 health-related secrets you shouldn't keep. So often patients don't talk to their doctors because they are afraid of the answer or what the physician will think of them. What are you keeping from your doctor? And why is it important to mention? We asked physicians what they need to know about their patients. Here are 8 things you should ALWAYS bring up:
1.YOU'RE TAKING VITAMINS, HERBS OR SUPPLEMENTS. You pop a daily multivitamin, an herbal supplement for sleep and a powder to improve memory. They're harmless, right? Not always. Supplements can cause symptoms and interfere with some medications.
2. THERE'S BLOOD IN YOUR STOOL. Most of us steer clear of potty talk - even with our doctors. Blood in the stool is a symptom of colorectal cancer, which is curable when caught early. So mention ANY change in bathroom habits to your doctor.
3. YOU'RE DEPRESSED. So you've been feeling a little down; it'll pass you think. Besides, why bother your doctor with it? Emotions can affect your physical health, and depressed people often feel fatigued, lose their appetite or have stomach aches. If your doctor doesn't know you are depressed, you may have to undergo unnecessary tests or medications. If you'r not comfortable mentioning it at the appointment, bring a friend or family member for support.
4. YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT SOMETHING YOU READ ON THE WEB. Many people go online first to diagnose health problems. Would your doctor be offended? Not at all! Most doctors say they like well-informed patients. Just say, " I saw something on the Internet. Do I need to be concerned?" Also, remember much of what you read online is general.
5. YOU DON'T EAT RIGHT AND EXERCISE REGULARLY. That morning donut and coffee ritual? Those couch potato nights? Admit them to you doctor. People often lie or omit information because they don't realize how harmful those habits really are. Even if weight isn't an issue, talk to your doctor about your diet. Unhealthy eating habits are linked to chronic diseases, such as heart attacks, diabetes and more.
6. YOU'VE STOPPED TAKING YOUR MEDICATION. Instead of telling the doctor, some patients act on their own. That's one of the most dangerous things you can do. The medicine your doctor prescribes is designed to keep you healthy - and the side effects you've heard about might be rare or insignificant. If you're having problems with medication, ask to be switched ot another that won't affect you the same way.
7. YOU'RE NOT INTERESTED IN SEX LATELY. People are pretty open about their physical complaints, but they're not so open about sexual issues. People need to talk about emotional and sexual health with their doctor, because it can be a symptom of a physical problem. Loss of desire can signal health issues, such as chronic stress, anxiety, depression or even anorexia. Some pre-menopausal symptoms in women can also cause sexual problems.
8. THAT SURGERY YEARS AGO DOESN'T MATTER. When you see your doctor, especially for the first time, share the details of your medical history - including the tonsillectomy you had at age 4. Your physician needs background information to diagnose and prescribe the best treatment for you. Write down your history beforehand, so you don't forget to mention something important. How detailed should you be? Tell the doctor about any major illnesses in your immediate family and your previous major illnesses, past surgeries and current conditions. List all medications you're taking, including vitamins and herbal supplements, along with any adverse reactions you've had. Had any recent X-rays or medical tests? Bring the films or results, if possible. Besides medical history, jot notes about current symptoms. If you walk in with a record - even just some notes - you'll be taken a lot more seriously by the doctor.
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