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Monday, June 4, 2012

You work hard taking care of your family, friends and work. But are you taking care of yourself? Too often we ignore symptoms because we're just too busy to bother getting checked out. That can be a big - possibly fatal - mistake. More often than not, it's the smart, educated women who put off going to the doctor, even when it should be a top priority. But not addressing a mysterious problem can be dangerous - and can even lead to a chronic or fatal disease. Check out these symptoms women shouldn't ignore:
1. ACUTE FATIGUE. Let's face it, women are used to being tired. Overload leads to fatigue, but when low energy and exhaustion are chronic and continue for more than two weeks, see a doctor. Acute fatigue can be a difficult symptom to diagnose, but that doesn't mean you should ignore it. I t can indicate hypothroidism, which can be treated with a hormone, or anemia, which is treatable with iron or vitamin B12 shots. More seriously, it can be a sign of depression, sleep apnea, heart disease or even lung cancer.
2. RECTAL BLEEDING. Women who've had hemorrhoids while pregnant might dismiss rectal bleeding as a sign of a new hemorrhoid and not take it seriously. Rectal bleeding can indeed indicate a hemorrhoid, but it can also be a sign of colon or rectal cancer, which is curable if caught early. If you experience rectal bleeding, see a doctor right away. Even if it's just a hemorrhoid, it still needs to be treated.
3. ABDOMINAL BLOATING AND PAIN, CHANGE IN BOWEL HABITS. Like rectal bleeding, abdominal bloating and pain or a change in bowel habits can indicate something serious like colon cancer. These symptoms also can signal ovarian cancer, imflammatory bowel syndrome or diverticulitis. If you experience abdominal bloating or a persistent change in bowel habits, such as constipation, make an appointment with your doctor.
4. PAIN OR DISCOMFORT IN CHEST. Heart disease may be the No. 1 killer of American women, but most women still don't think about it happening to them. The signs of coronary artery disease, which can lead to a heart attack, are typically much more subtle in women than in men. Women might misdiagnose the discomfort as acid reflux or a "burpy" sensation. If you're having trouble exerting yourself, have some discomfort or pain in your chest, or you're just not feeling normal, see a doctor immediately.
5. HEART PALPITATIONS. Heart palpitations are often related to stress. But if persistent, they can also be a sign of atrial fibrillation, or an irregular heartbeat. Without treatment for atrial fibrillation, you increase your risk of having a stroke, especially if you have these other heart disease risk factors: abdominal girth of more than 35 inches in women, high cholesterol, high blood pressure or being a smoker.
6. SHORTNESS OF BREATH. Shortness of breath is yet another symptom of heart disease. But it can also be a sign of other serious health problems, such as pneumonia, asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer or even a blood clot. If you're having continual or increased problems breathing, make an appointment to be evaluated.
7. PELVIC PAIN DURING INTERCOURSE. It's not normal to have pelvic pain during sex, so pay attention if this symptom occurs. If pelvic pain happens during deep penetration, it could indicate pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), endometriosis, an ovarian cystor cervicitis, and infection of the cervix. Pelvic pain upon entry can mean a vaginal infection or a hormone deficiency. If sex is painful, don't shrug it off - go to the doctor. An untreated infection can lead to infertility.
8. CHANGE IN THE APPEARANCE OF A MOLE. Melanoma (skin cancer) is often linked to a change in moles, so check them, along with freckles, regularly for any difference in their appearance. Follow the ABCD method recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation and the American Academy of Dermatology to help detect possible problems: If the mole is A, asymmetrical; B, has uneven borders; C, has changed in color; D, or changed in diameter, see a dermatologist immediately. Any changes in your skin, such as a growth or a sore that won't heal, are also potential indicators of malanoma.
9. BREAST LUMPS. Know your breasts intimately. Examine them monthly to detect any new masses or lumps. Check with your doctor to determine how often you should be getting mammograms. Potentially cancerous lumps usually feel like small stones or rocks in your breast. Non-cancerous lumps are typically more tender and change with your menstrual cycle. This is not always the case, so check with your doctor if a new lump appear.
10. SWELLING IN LEGS OR PERSISTENT PAIN IN JOINTS. If you notice swelling in one or both legs, particularly after you've been traveling in a car or airplane, see a doctor. Swelling in one leg can mean a blood clot. If it's both legs, it could be a sign of kidney or liver disease. Chronic or constant pain in joints could mean something more serious than arthritis, such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, which may require steroid treatment.
As a woman, your health concerns are as unique as your body. How you take care of yourself has a huge impact on your future, affecting everything from your ability to have children to your risk of heart disease. There's no substitute for good health, and when it's gone, it's often gone for good. Don't let it pass you by.

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