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Monday, December 3, 2012

A coffee refill, another glass of wine - they're sure to send you to the ladies' room. Are you taking far more bathroom breaks than you used to without knowing why? What's considered normal anyway? Generally, 8 bathroom visits a day is typical. More breaks than that - especially if they disrupt your day or wake you at night - could mean you hav an overactive bladder (OAB). About 17 million people suffer from OAB, the often sudden and compelling urge to urinate - and an occasional inability to hold back until you rech the toilet. Although it's more common as we age, women in their 30s and 40s are at particular risk.
Why the waterworks? Essentially, something's wrong with how your bladder lets the brain know it's time to pee. It's not curable, but it is possible to get your life back. Here are doctor-recommended tips to bring you relief:
1. LIMIT YOUR LIQUIDS: The less you drink, the fewer times you'll have to go. While doctors generally recommend sipping 8-9 cups of water a day, how much to drink when you have OAB depends on the person. What you're drinking also affects your urge to pee. Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, so they cause you to make more urine, and they also stimulate your bladder which causes extra irritation that the nerves sense, which makes you think you have to pee when you don't.
2. PUT THE SQUEEZE ON: If you've had children, you're probably familiar with Kegel exercises, the repeated squeezing of pelvic muscles that helps women push during childbirth. Those same muscles control the flow of urine. Kegels strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that affect bladder control. It is recommended to do at least 10-second squeezes three times a day to keep from leaking.
3. LOSE THE EXCESS WEIGHT: The heavier you are, the more weight you place on your pelvic floor muscles. Pressure on these muscles weakens them, meaning more little leaks.
4. FOCUS ON FIBER: Because the bladder and bowel are next to each other, constipation can be one of the causes of frequent urination. To stay more regular, add more fiber to your diet with foods like brown rice, whole wheat bread, fruits and vegetables.
5. KEEP YOUR COOL: Spicy foods like chili, taco sauces and wasabi can irritate the bladder lining, increasing your urge to go. Choose milder spices like cilantro, mint and oregano to flavor dishes.
6. TAKE TIME TO UNWIND: Mortgage payments, deadlines, crowded commutes - all that stress affects your bladder, making you have to go even more, although doctors are unclear why. So keep stress levels low - with relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation.
Knowing the causes and common triggers of OAB can help you stay dry and out of the bathroom. Check with your doctor if you have any questions.

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