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Monday, October 1, 2012


One-third of people 45 and older with arthritis report that they are depressed or anxious, a new study shows. Anxiety may even more common than depression among these people. The emotional consequences of arthritis are high. Many doctors are trained to routinely look for symptoms of depression in people with chronic pain conditions like arthritis, but focusing on symptoms of anxiety may also be needed. In the new study, rates of anxiety were almost twice as high as those of depresson.
The study looked at rates of reported depression and anxiety among 1,793 people with all types of arthritis. Fully 31% of the participants had anxiety and 18% were depressed. What's more, 84% of people who were depressed also had anxiety, while 50% of those with anxiety were also depressed. Only half said they had sought treatment for depression ar anxiety in the past year.
Lifestyle changes such as getting regular exercise can often help improve pain as well as anxiety and depression. The recommendation is to engage in 150 minutes of physical activity a week, but this can be short bursts such as 10-minute walks, 15 times a week. Counseling and/or medication may also have a role.
Many patients with arthritis have depression or anxiety related to pain, loss of function or participation, and uncertainty. Symptoms can be improved by decreasing pain, increasing physical activity, and controlling disease.
Making sure the arthritis is treated as aggressively as possible will help reduce pain, limit disability, and likely have spillover benefits for anxiety and depression. People who feel good about their treatment have much less anxiety.

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