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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
If you've had a prescription filled recently, there's a good chance you're taking a generic drug. Almost 80% of prescription drug sales are generics. Their use helps save patients and hospitals billions of dollars every year. It's estimated that you could save at two-thirds of your drug costs if you use generic drugs. According to the FDA, generic drugs can be trusted to have the same quality as brand-name drugs -- but at a cheaper price. That's important to know because no one wants to skimp on health, even if it means saving money.
WHAT ARE THE WAYS GENERICS ARE THE SAME AS BRAND-NAME DRUGS? The FDA requires a generic drug to meet standards that make sure it's the same basic product as the brand-name drug. That means the generic drug is safe and can be taken: The same way as a brand-name drug & For the same reason as a brand-name drug. For the FDA to approve a generic drug, it must be the same as the brand-name product in its:
1. Active Ingredient
2. Strength
3. Use and Effect
4. Form of Dosage Form (for example, a pill, inhaler or liquid)
5. Ability to reach the required level in the bloodstream at the right time and to the same extent
6. Testing Standards
HOW ARE GENERICS DIFFERENT FROM BRAND-NAME DRUGS? Some differences between generics and brand-name drugs are allowed. These differences may change the appearance of the drug, but they do not affect how it works or its safety. Generic drugs may differ in:
1. Shape
2. Color
3. Packaging
4. Labeling
Generic drugs are allowed to have different inactive ingredients than brand-name drugs. For example, they may have a different Flavoring or Preservative. The inactive ingredients in a generic, though, must be considered safe by the FDA. Generic drugs may also have a different expiration date than brand-name drugs. Even so, the generic must keep its effectiveness until its expiration date, just as required of a brand-name product.
WHY ARE GENERIC DRUGS CHEAPER THAN BRAND-NAME DRUGS? You may be wondering how a generic drug can be sold at a much lower price than a brand-name drug. The difference in price hs to do with the different costs that drugmakers have in bringing generics and brand-name drugs to the pharmacy shelf. Making a new drug is expensive for a drugmaker. A manufacturer's costs for the launch of a new drug include money for: Research, Large-scale Drug Testing, Advertising, Marketing and Promotion.
The FDA has tried to balance the rights of the maker of brand-name drugs to recoup its investment with the rights of patients to have access to lower cost generic drugs. To help a drugmaker recover its costs, new brand-name drugs are given patent protection when they are first sold. The patent gives a drugmaker exclusive rights to produce and sell the drug for a limited time. The average time a brand-name drug is protected by the patent after it hits the market is 12 years. When the patent ends, other companies are allowed to make a nd sell a generic version. The generic drugmaker's costs are relatively low because the product has already been developed and tested by the brand-name company. Makers of the generic drugs can pass the savings along in the form of lower prices to pharmacies, and ultimately, to us. The competition among multiple companies producing a generic version of a drug also helps keep the price low.
SHOULD YOU BE TAKING GENERIC MEDICATION? Generics are not available for all medications. The best way to find out if a generic is available for a medication you are taking - and whether or not you should take it - is to ask your doctor and pharmacist. Some health insurance companies require that you use a generic drug, if available. If you chose to purchase the brand-name product, you may end up paying on your own or be required to pay a larger co-pay.
If you have any other questions in regard to generic drugs, please ask your doctor.
source: www.webmd.com
Friday, October 26, 2012
Recently, there was a ranking of the Top 25 Companies for Work-Life Balance. Based on employee commentary, this list reveals how seriously some companies take your work-life balance, personal initiatives, and personal interests. However, what if your company didn't make the cut, and wouldn't come close to qualifyiing? What can you do for yourself to manage a good work-life balance and not go crazy? Here are five tips to consider:
1. UNPLUG - Unless your job requires being on-call 24/7, then don't be. Create virtual boundaries and stick to them. If this means that, during your off time, you must involve your spouse or friend to lock your smartphone and laptop in a drawer, then do it. Train yourself to unwind through un-tethering from technology. You may start with a one-hour unplug time in the evenings, and then slowly increase the time you are virtually unavailable. You may feel anxious initially, but over time, the opposite will be true. You will find solace - a respite amidst the storm of social media and work chit chat.
2. STAND UP - If your job requires constant sitting and working at a computer, stand up! Find five to ten minutes every hour to move your muscles and clear your mind. You'll be amazed at what a walk around the office area or even better, outdoors, will do to lift your emotional spirits and elevate your energy. It's easy to get so entrenched in your work that hours pass without budging from your chair. If this describes you, then you may need to retrain yourself. Set a timer to remind you once per hour to get up and move.
3. MAKE PLANS - If your work is so onerous that you find yourself continually saying, "No" to invitations for socializing and fun with your friends, then something has to give. It is astonishing that once you set your intentions to go to dinner, attend a theatrical production, leave for the lake - whatever is your prescription for enjoyment - and then commit with words, how you will then somehow "find" the time to make it happen. None of us is so important or indispensable that we cannot afford to take time off from work to recharge and re-energize. In fact, we cannot afford NOT to.
4. EXERCISE - In order to clear the intellectual and emotional cobwebs, to fuel yourself with a shot of endorphins, and to stay physically healthy, you must exercise throughout the week. Doing so will add balance to your work and life, helping you to vet out clearer, more concise decisions, and move through problems in a swifter manner. The after-effects of exercise include multiple layers of rewards and benefits, including feelings of optimism and hope that your sometimes-overwhelming work life may be stealing from you.
5. WORK HARDER - This may sound sounter intuitive if you're currently feeling burnt out by the unbalanced nature of your current workload. The suggestion here is to authentically ingratiate yourself with your boss by providing new areas of value beyond your job description. Consider what pain points you could be resolving for your boss and pitch in. If he is struggling with a certain project, then offer to help. If he is frustrated with the lack of team buy-in to a new sales, technology, operational, or other initiative, and you sincerely believe in what he's advocating, then campaign on his behalf to other team members.
The point is to be proactive where you are currently passive. Supporting your boss's goals, helping alleviate pressure and being instrumental in moving his efforts forward may surprise you with the rewards. For example, he may be more agreeable to your taking off work a couple of hours early on a Friday to start your weekend at the lake. The key here is to be genuine in your actions. Consider this tip and apply it when you observe a situation where you could help - then step out of your comfort zone and get involved. Life is too short to stay stuck in an unhappy vortex. By taking charge, you can recharge your batteries, reclaim your calm, carve out new boundaries, and create new ways to achieve satisfaction, balance, and joy in your life.
source: www.money.usnews.com
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
WHAT ARE PRIOBIOTICS? Probiotics are bacteria that help maintain the natural balance of organisms (microflora) in the intestines. The normal human digestive tract contains about 400 types of probiotic bacteria that reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy digestive system. The largest group of probiotic bacteria in the intestine is lactic acid bacteria, of which Lactobacillus acidophilus, found in yogurt with live cultures, is the best known. Yeast is also a probiotic substance. Probiotics are also available as dietary supplements.
It has been suggested that probiotics be used to treat problems in the stomach and intestines. But only certain types of bacteria or yeast (called strains) have been shown to work in the digestive tract. It still needs to be proved which probiotics (alone or in combination) work to treat diseases. At this point, even the strains of probiotics that have been proved to work for a specific disease are not widely available.
WHAT ARE PROBIOTICS USED FOR? Many people use probiotics to prevent diarrhea, gas, and cramping caused by antibiotics. Antibiotics kill "good" (beneficial) bacteria along with the bacteria that cause illness. A decrease in beneficial bacteria may lead to digestive problems. Taking probiotics may help replace the lost beneficial bacteria. This can help prevent diarrhea. A decrease in beneficial bacteria may also lead to other infections, such as vaginal yeast and urinary tract infections, and symptoms such as diarrhea from intestinal illnesses.
1. Help with other causes of diarrhea.
2. Help prevent infections in the digestive tract.
3. Help control immune response (inflammation), as in inflammatory bowel disease.
ARE PROBIOTICS SAFE? Most probiotics are like what is already in a person's digestive system. Some probiotics have been used for a very long time throughout history, such as in fermented foods and cultured milk products. These don't appear to cause illness. More study is needed on the safety of probiotics in young children, the elderly, and people who have weak immune systems.
As with any dietary supplement, be aware that probiotic supplements are regulated as foods, not drugs. Tell your doctor about everything you are taking, including the specific bacteria in your probiotic supplement.
source: www.webmd.com
Monday, October 22, 2012
When it comes to germs, it's not all about the bathroom. The kitchen is the germiest room in the house. From the countertops and sink to the cutting boards and refrigerator, the kitchen is teeming with billions of microorganisms. You can tackle those nasty kitchen germs that lurk where you prepare your family's meals. Here are some kitchen hot spots and tips for how to clean them up.
KITCHEN SPONGE. this isprobably the most germ-filled item in your house. It's used to sop up all kinds of germs and grime and then stored under the sink - a wet, dark palce that's a perfect environment for bacteria to grow. When you use a sponge throughout your kitchen, you are just moving germs from one spot to another. You may have heard that zapping the sponge in the microwave will get rid of germs, but that's not enough. Washing a sponge in the dishwasher also isn't enough to kill germs unless you have an extremely high-heat germicide cycle. You can use paper towels or a clean cloth instead. If you do use sponges, you can soak them between cleanings in a solution of no more than 1 cup of bleach to 1 gallon of water, or vinegar and water. Rinse thoroughly and let air dry.
COUNTERS. To wipe out lots of kitchen counter germs at once, spray a 10% vinegar solution on counters. Keep the surfae wet for 30-60 seconds, then wipe.
CUTTING BOARDS. It's a good idea to have one cutting board for raw meats, poultry, and seafood, and another for produce and bread. Disinfect cutting boards by soaking them in straight vinegar or a bleach solution for about 30 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with hot, soapy water or put them in the dishwasher. Using the dishwasher alone isn't enough to sanitize them.
REFRIGERATOR. Refrigeration doesn't kill bacteria - it just slows their growth. The more you open and close the refrigerator door, the greater your chance of bringing in mold Every so often wash down all surfaces of your fridge - including racks and drawers - with a vinegar solution. Wash the refrigerator door handle frequently.
FLOOR. Kitchen floors can be subject to dropped food, dripped juices from raw meats, tracked-in dirt, crawling kids, and pets, among other things. Using the same bleach solution that you use to clean cutting boards provides good sanitization, but be sure to rinse thoroughly and let air dry if kids and pets will be on the floor. You may want to ask people to take off their shoes when they come in the door, especially if they're going to be in the kitchen.
DISHWASHER. Do you see a black fungus on the seal around your dishwasher door or inside your dishwasher? It may be Exophiala dermatidis, a fungus that likes high heat and is resistant to most detergents Scrub it away with a paste of vinegar and baking soda. While you're in the dishwasher, pour a couple of cups of vinegar in the bottom and run a cycle to kill other tough germs.
GARBAGE DISPOSAL. Garbage disposals are convenient, but they're also kitchen germ hazards. Any food that remains can decay and breed germs. At least once a week, use a brush and the bleach solution to scrub as far down as you can into the disposal.
TRASH CAN. Make sure to keep a lid on your trash can. Not only will it keep smells form spreading, it can also keep insects from landing in bacteria and spreading them throughout the rest of your house. It's not enough to just replace the trash bag. Once a week, pour the bleach solution into the can - especially if there's a smell, stain, or substance inside. Let the liquid sit for a few minutes and then pour it down your sink. Rinse the trash can and let it air dry.
HANDLES. When you move around the kitchen, opening cabinets, the refrigerator, or the pantry door to grab ingredients as you cook, you can spread germs among the handles. Wipe cabinet and refrigerator - door handles at least once a week with the bleach solution to kill microorganisms.
Don't get overwhelmed by kitchen cleaning. When tackling kitchen germs, first clean the areas that look dirty. Get rid of mold in the refrigerator and dust on the countertops. Then sanitize and disinfect. You don't have to go crazy.
source: www.webmd.com
Friday, October 19, 2012
Take the necessary precautions before selecting a homecare agency or caregiver and use the following tips as a guideline to help find a compassionate, qualified and dedicated homecare provider.
1. KNOW YOUR NEEDS: Before beginning the selection process, assess what your exact needs are. Will your loved one need hands-on care or someone to fill a companion role? Does your loved one require skilled medical assistance or specialized care such as hospice care or mobility needs? Evaluate exactly what you are looking for and be prepared to discuss details.
2. INTERVIEW THE AGENCY: Every homecare agency uses a different interview and hiring process. Make sure your expectations align with those of the agency before selecting a provider. Select a homecare agency that requires RN supervision for caregivers and Joint Commission accreditation to ensure the highest level of care. In addition, familiarize yourself with the agency's sick and emergency policies and know what the protocol is if a caregiver is not able to make a scheduled visit.
3. CHECK FOR RELEVANT PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: A recent study conductted by Northwestern University revealed that more than 67 percent of homecare agencies require previous experience before hiring employees. However, when asked to clarify experience, the answers were vague. Be sure to select an agency that requires relevant previous experience, or has extensive training before allowing caregivers to work alone.
4. ENSURE QUALIFICATIONS: Make sure the homecare provider can perform the tasks and responsibilities based on your loved one's needs. If specialized care is required, make sure the agency is licensed to provide such care and has RNs or specially trained caregivers who can perform your specialized care needs.
5. MAKE A CONNECTION: Certain homecare agencies allow you to interview potential caregivers before committing to one. This provides the opportunity to make sure personalities do not conflict and can also be a great time to inquire about previous experience and background information.
source: www.healthnewsdigest.com
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Don't get sucked into the idea that food is your enemy when you're trying to lose weight. In fact, it's just the opposite: Befriend the right foods, and the pounds are much more likely to peel off than if you just try to cut calories across the board. Here, seven foods known to nutritionists to boost your body's fat-burning potential:
Wait a minute -- aren't oats a carb? Yes and no. Oats are a whole grain, and they're high on what nutritionists call the "satiety index," meaning oats have tremendous power to make you feel full. Not only that, they're also high in soluble fiber, so they cut cholesterol and blood fat. Oats digest slowly, so they don't raise your blood sugar, and they keep you feeling filled up well into the late morning. Old-fashioned steel-cut and rolled oats, with up to 5 grams of fiber per serving, are best, but even instant oatmeal has 3 to 4 grams of fiber per serving.
Nutritionists have been trying for some years to restore the reputation of the lowly egg. No longer thought to be a cholesterol-booster (eggs contain a different type of cholesterol than that in humans), eggs are a concentrated form of animal protein without the added fat that comes with meat. Dietary studies have repeatedly found that when people eat an egg every morning in addition to (or instead of) toast or cereal, they lose twice as much weight as those who eat a breakfast that's dominated by carbs.
Studies in reputable publications such as the Journal of Obesity (in addition to the controversial ones funded by the National Dairy Council) show that the combination of calcium, vitamin D, and low-fat protein in skim milk and nonfat yogurt trigger weight loss and help build and maintain lean muscle.
To keep the pounds at bay, eat an apple -- or two -- a day. Numerous studies have found that eating an apple a half hour to an hour before a meal has the result of cutting the calories of the meal. Why? The fiber in the apple makes you feel full, so you eat less. Recent research suggests eating apples has other benefits, too; the antioxidants in apples appear to prevent metabolic syndrome, the combination of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and prediabetes that tends to accompany thickening around the waist. Also, apples are high in pectin, which binds with water and limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb.
Not exactly what you think of as a diet food, right? Research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared diet results for women who ate red meat and those who didn't. The meat eaters lost more weight. Experts think the dense protein in lean red meat helps you maintain muscle mass - but of course this assumes you're exercising to build that muscle.
This simple spice appears to have the power to thelp your body metabolize sugar, according to surprising data that came out of a USDA study involving diabetics.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Though the flowers are no longer blooming and the air has turned crisp and cool, many allergy sufferers get no reprieve during the fall months. The allergy triggers might be slightly different, but they can be just as misery-inducing as the flower pollen that fills the air in the spring and summer.
Male plants release tiny cells called pollen into the air n order to reproduce. When these pollen or other allergy triggers get into the noses of certain people, their immune system mistakenly sees them as foreign invaders and releases antibodies - substances that normally identify and go after bacteria, viruses, and other illness-causing organisms. The antibodies attack the allergens, which leads to the release of chemicals called histamines into the blood. Histamines trigger the runny nose, itchy eyes, and other symptoms of allergies.
During the fall season, ragweed is the biggest allergy trigger. Though the yellow-flowering weed typically begins pollinating in August, it can linger well into the fall months. About three-quarters of people who are allergic to spring pollen-producing plants are also allergic to ragweed. Ragweed pollen can travel for hundreds of miles on the wind, so even if it doesn't grow where you live, it can still make you miserable if you're allergic to it.
Mold is another culprit, because its spores can easily get airborne. Mold thrives in damp areas, both indoors and outdoors. The piles of damp leaves that line yards and streets in the fall are breeding grounds for mold, as are damp basements and bathrooms at home.
Dust mites - microscopic, spider-like insects - are yet another common indoor allergen. They are most prevalent during the humid summer months, but can get stirred into the air the first time you turn on your furnace in the fall. From the air, dust mites can make their way into your nose, triggering sneezes, wheezes, and runny noses.
Allergy symptoms caused by ragweed, pollen, or mold are called allergic rhinitis (hay fever). These symptoms include:
1. Runny Nose
2. Watery Eyes
3. Sneezing
4. Coughing
5. Itchy eyes and nose
6. Dark circles under the eyes
People with allergies to ragweed can also develop an itchy throat and mouth - a condition called oral allergy syndrome (OAS) - when they eat banana, cucumber, melon, or certain other fruits and vegetables.
Airborne allergens also can trigger asthma, a condition in which the airways narrow, making breathing difficult and leading to coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
Food reactions can lead ot hives, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and coughing. Sever reactions - called anaphylaxis - can cause the lips, tongue, or throat to swell and make breathing difficult.
To treat a runny nose, watery eyes, and itchiness, you can try one of these medications:
1. Prescription corticosteroids, usually given in the form of a nasal spray, reduce inflammation in the nose.
2. Antihistamines reduce sneezing, sniffling, and itching by blocking the action of histamine in the body.
3. Decongestants clear mucus out of the nasal passageways to relieve congestion and swelling.
4. Antihistamine/decongestants combine the effects of both drugs.
5. Antihistamine eye drops block the histamine that leads to the allergic reaction.
6. Allergy shots expose your body to gradually increasing doses of the allergen until you become tolerant to it.
Even though you can buy some allergy medications without a prescription, it's a good idea to to talk to your doctor first to make sure you choose the right medications. Some antihistamines can make you feel sleepy, so you need to be careful when taking them during the day. Read the packaging label - some of these products are only meant to be used for a few day.
source: www.webmd.com
Friday, October 12, 2012

We all have ups and downs. But the steep climbs (mania) and sudden plunges (depression) of bipolar disorder can lead to life-threatening situations. Once diagnosed, bipolar disorder is often treatable with medications and psychotherapy. Warning signs of bipolar disorder are often confused with major depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, drug-induced highs or just plain moodiness. Nearly 6 million Americans live with bipolar disorder. Are you one of them? Learn how to recognize symptoms and where to get help.
1. UNUSUALLY UPBEAT, OUTGOING OR IRRITABLE MOOD. During a manic phase, some people feel euphoric, others talk nonstop and some develop a hair-trigger temper. The key is a radical departure from the norm.
2. RACING THOUGHTS AND SPEED-TALKING. Besides speaking quickly and jumping between ideas, a person in this phase may also be easily distracted.
3. BOUNDLESS ENERGY. The extremely energetic behaviou common in the manic phase often leads to rushing around and taking on new projects, however ill-advised.
4. IMPULSIVE AND SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR. Spending sprees, flagrant affairs or risky investments can all signal bipolar disorder if they're out of character and part of a larger pattern of symptoms.
5. DECREASED NEED FOR SLEEP. Sleeping only a few hours a night could be sign of bipolar disorder - as well as depression or anxiety.
6. INFLATED SENSE OF SELF-WORTH. An exaggerated sense of your power, knowledge or importance is common in this stage, such as believing you have a special relationship with God.
1. SAD, EMPTY OR HOPELESS MOOD. Many people with bipolar disorder spend most of the time depressed. This relentless dark mood prevents them from taking interest or pleasure in their lives.
2. LOW ENERGY AND CONSTANT FATIGUE. In contrast to supercharged energy during mania, this phase leaves a person feeling drained of energy and motivation. The smallest task can seem impossible.
3. DECREASED ABILITY TO THINK CLEARLY. The same mind that races from idea to idea when manic may feel paralyzed during depression, making it hard for the sufferer to remember things and make decisions.
4. SUICIDAL THOUGHTS AND BEHAVIOR. Depression often leads to dwelling on past mistakes, including blunders made while manic. When it gets really hard, you may feel cornered, as if all possible ways of escaping a situation are closed.
If you recognize several warning signs of bipolar disorder in yourself or a loved one, seek help. Contact a psychiatrist or other mental health professional, or get a referral from your primary-care physician.
source: www.lifescript.com
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Experts say that men could benefit greatly by being alert to certain cancer symptoms that require a trip to the doctor's office sooner rather than later. But when it comes to scheduling doctor visits, men are notorious foot-draggers. In fact, some men, would never go to the doctor if it weren't for the women in their life. That's unfortunate. Routine preventive care can find cancer and other diseases intheir early stages. When cancer is found early, there are more options for treatment. That means there are also better chances for a cure. Here are 15 symptoms that men ignore:
1. BREAST MASS: If you're like most men, you've probably never considered the possibility of having breast cancer. Although it's not common, it is possible. Any new mass in the breast area of a man needs to be checked out by a physician.
2. PAIN: As they age, people often complain of increasing aches and pains. But pain, as vague as it may be, can be an early symptom of some cancers. Most pain complaints, though, are not from cancer. Any pain that persists should be checked out by your physician.
3. CHANGES IN THE TESTICLES: Testicular cancer occurs most often in men aged 20-39. The American Cancer Society recommends that men get a testicular exam by a doctor as part of a routine cancer-related checkup.
3. CHANGES IN THE TESTICLES CONTINUED...Any change in the size of the testicles, such as growth or shrinkage, should be a concern. In addition, any swelling, lump, or feeling of heaviness in the scrotum should not be ignored. Some testicular cancers occur very quickly. So early detection is especially crucial.
4. CHANGES IN THE LYMPH NODES: If you notice a lump or swelling in the lymph nodes under your armpit or in your neck - or anywhere else - it could be a reason for concern. Your doctor should examine you and determine any associated issues that could explain the lymph node enlargement, such as infection. If there is no infection, a doctor will typically order a biopsy.
5. FEVER: If you've got an unexplained fever, it may indicate cancer. Fever, though, might also be a sign of pneumonia or some other illness or infection that needs treatment. Most cancers will cause fever at some point. Often, fever occurs after the cancer has spread from its original site and invaded another part of the body.
6. WEIGHT LOSS WITHOUT TRYING: Unexpected weight loss is a concern. Most of us don't lose weight easily. If a man loses more thatn 10% of his body weight in a time period of 3-6 months, it's time to see the doctor.
7. GNAWING ABDOMINAL PAIN AND DEPRESSION: Any man (or woman) who's got a pain in the abdomen and is feeling depressed needs a checkup. Experts have found a link between depression and pancreatic cancer. Other symptoms of pancreas cancer may include jaundic, a change in stool color - often gray - a darkening of the urine. Itching over the whole body may also occur.
8. FATIGUE: Fatigue is another vague symptom that could point to cancer in men. Many other problems could cause fatigue as well. Like fever, fatigue can set in after the cancer has grown. If you often feel extremely tired and you don't get better with rest, check with your doctor.
9. PERSISTENT COUGH: Coughs are expected, of course, with colds, the flu, and allergies. They are also sometimes a side effect of a medication. A very prolonged cough - defined as lasting more than 3-4 weeks - or a change in cough should not be ignored. Those cough patterns warrant a visit to the doctor.
10. DIFFICULTY SWALLOWING: Some men may report trouble swallowing, but then ignore it. Over time, they change their diet to a more liquid diet. Swallowing difficulties may be a sign of a GI cancer, such as cancer of the esophagus.
11. CHANGES IN THE SKIN: You should be alert to not only changes in moles - a well-known sign of potential skin cancer - but also changes in skin pigmentation. Suddenly developing bleeding on your skin or excessive scaling are reasons to check with your doctor.
12. BLOOD WHERE IT SHOULDN'T BE: Anytime you see blood coming from a body part where you've never seen it before, see a doctor. If you start coughing up blood, spitting up blood, have blood in the bowel or in the urine, it's time for a doctor visit.
13. MOUTH CHANGES: If you smoke or chew tobacco, you need to be especially alert for any white patches inside your mouth or white spots on your tongue. Those changes may indicate leukoplakia, a pre-cancerous area that can occur with ongoing irritation. This condition can progress to oral cancer. You should report the changes to your doctor or dentist.
14. URINARY PROBLEMS: As men age, urinary problems become more frequent. Those problems include the following: the urge tourinate mor often, especially at night; a sense of urgency; a feeling of not completely emptying the bladder; an inability to start the urine stream; urine leaking when laughing or coughing; a weakening of the urine stream. Every man will develop these problems as he gets older, but once you notice these symptoms, you should seek medical attention...especially if the the symptoms get worse.
15. INDIGESTION: Many men, especially as they get older, think "heart attack" when they get bad indigestion. Persistent indigestion may point to cancer of the esophagus, throat, or stomach. Persistent or worsening indigestion should be reported to your doctor.
source: www.webmd.com
Monday, October 8, 2012
There are many foods that are thought to trigger headaches and migraines. Dietary habits can also play a role - fasting, dehydration, or skipping meals may also cause headaches. By tracking your headache episodes through a headache diary, you may be able to identify specific foods that trigger your headaches.
Some of the most common foods, beverages, and additives that may be associated with headaches include:
1. AGED CHEESE AND OTHER TYRAMINE-CONTAINING FOODS: Tyramine is a substance found naturally in some foods. The role of tyramine as a trigger of headaches is controversial; however, some headache experts recommend a tyramine-free diet as part of headache treatment. Tyramine is formed from the breakdown of protein as foods age. Generally, the longer a high-protein food ages, the greater the tyramine content. The amount of tyramine in cheeses differs greatly due to the variations in processing, fermenting, aging, degradation, or even bacterial contamination. For people who take monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor medications to treat their headaches, it is especially important to avoid all foods containing tyramine.
2. ALCOHOL: Blood flow to your brain increases when you drink alcohol. SOme scientists blame the headache on impurities in alcohol or by-products produced as your body metabolizes alcohol. Red wine, beer, whiskey, and champagne are the most ocmmonly identified headache triggers.
3. FOOD ADDITIVES: Preservatives (or additives) contained in certain foods can trigger headaches. The additives, such as nitrates, dilate blood vessels, causing headaches in some people.
4. COLD FOODS: Cold foods can cause headaches in some people. It is more likely to occur if you are over-heated from exercise or hot temperatures. Pain, which is felt in the forehead, peaks 25 to 60 seconds and lasts from several seconds to one or two minutes. More than 90% of migraine sufferers report sensitivity to ice cream and cold substances.
These foods have been identified as headache and migraine triggers by some sufferers:
- Peanuts, Peanut Butter, other Nuts and Seeds
- Pizza
- Potato Chip products
- Chicken Livers and other Organ Meats
- Smoked or Dried Fish
- Sourdough Bread, Fresh Baked Yeast Goods
- Bread, Crackers, and Desserts containing Cheese
- Certain Fresh Fruits including Ripe Bananas, Citrus Fruits, Papaya, Red Plums, Raspberries, Kiwi, Pineapple
- Dried Fruits (Figs, Raisins, Dates)
- Soups made from Meat Extracts or Bouillon
- Cultured Dairy Products, Sour Cream, Buttermilk, Yogurt
- Caffeine found in Chocolate and Cocoa; Beverages such as Coffee, Tea, Cola
- Aspartame and other Artificial Sweeteners
- Blue Cheeses
- Brie
- Cheddar
- Stilton
- Feta
- Gorgonzola
- Mozzarella
- Muenster
- Parmesan
- Swiss
- Processed Cheese
- Other foods high in tyramine include aged, canned, cured or processed meats, certain beans, onions, olives, pickles, avocados, raisins, canned soups, and nuts.
- Hot Dogs
- Ham
- Sausage
- Bacon
- Luncheon Meats
- Pepperoni
- Other Cured or Processed Meats
- Some Heart Medications
- Pressure in the Chest
- Tightening and Pressure in the Face
- Burning Sensation in the Chest, Neck, or Shoulders
- Facial Flushing
- Dizziness
- Headache Pain Across the Front or Sides of the Head
- Abdominal Discomfort
Friday, October 5, 2012
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a dangerous disease with no cure. Found mainly in smokers, COPD cannot be completely cured by any medication. It is important to be aware of the initial signs or symptoms of COPD and consult your physician before its too late. When the respiratory system in the body is damaged, the body tries to compensate in its own ways. The symptoms we observe are the results of these attempts of the body. In most cases, chain smoking can be the first real symptom of COPD. If you've been smoking for a long time, you could be on the brink of COPD.
One of the telling symptoms of COPD is the change in the shape of the chest, known as barrel chest. When a person with COPD tries to lift their arms above their chest, they feel breathless. To compensate, those affected by COPD often sit leaning forward, resting their arms on something. Another key symptom is shortness of breath, usually referred to as dyspnea. A chronic cough is another telltale symptom of COPD. It usually begins in the morning, and gradually increases during the day. This change is slow and could take years before the affected person actually notices it. The cough usually produces small amounts of sputum that is clear, whitish or discolored. If the intensity of the disease is very high, the sputum may be accompanied by small amounts of blood. This symptom is called hemoptysis.
In those affected with COPD, a pitched sound can be heard while breathing. This is the sound of air passing through narrowed airways. One more symptom of COPD is weight loss. A person affected with COPD spends lots of calories in very simple activities like breathing - thus, weight is lost rather quickly.
If you have any of these symptoms, please seek advice from your doctor.
source: www.e-healtharticles.com
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
One-third of people 45 and older with arthritis report that they are depressed or anxious, a new study shows. Anxiety may even more common than depression among these people. The emotional consequences of arthritis are high. Many doctors are trained to routinely look for symptoms of depression in people with chronic pain conditions like arthritis, but focusing on symptoms of anxiety may also be needed. In the new study, rates of anxiety were almost twice as high as those of depresson.
The study looked at rates of reported depression and anxiety among 1,793 people with all types of arthritis. Fully 31% of the participants had anxiety and 18% were depressed. What's more, 84% of people who were depressed also had anxiety, while 50% of those with anxiety were also depressed. Only half said they had sought treatment for depression ar anxiety in the past year.
Lifestyle changes such as getting regular exercise can often help improve pain as well as anxiety and depression. The recommendation is to engage in 150 minutes of physical activity a week, but this can be short bursts such as 10-minute walks, 15 times a week. Counseling and/or medication may also have a role.
Many patients with arthritis have depression or anxiety related to pain, loss of function or participation, and uncertainty. Symptoms can be improved by decreasing pain, increasing physical activity, and controlling disease.
Making sure the arthritis is treated as aggressively as possible will help reduce pain, limit disability, and likely have spillover benefits for anxiety and depression. People who feel good about their treatment have much less anxiety.
source: www.arthritis.webmd.com
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